i'm so fucking FUNNY!
what am i worth when i'm not entertaining someone?
am i "useful" to you when i'm sad? when my human flaws come out?
do you really love me?
will you listen to my feelings when i'm sad? do you care about me at all as a person?
please say that i've won your love with my fun jokes...that my jokes have made me mean something to you.
I want to have meaning.
i feel so much fucking despair when i'm all alone.
I never tell you. you'd leave me.
texting is just so much easier. i can give you exactly what you want from me.
i love you so much. i want to be a person. to be valued and respected. i'm sorry
i am just a movie ticket you have to feed. just a form of entertainment.
i'm too demanding. too angsty. bullshit. i'm sorry. im sorry im sorry